College of Materials Science and Engineering FUZHOU UNIVERSITY
Email Research fields Research fields:Dynamic Strain Aging Behavior of Alloy, Large Plastic Deformation Method of Fine Gra

Name: PENG  Kaiping

Position:  professor

Tel:  +86-591-22866532


Research  Interests: mechanical behavior of metal materials; SOFC materials


Education Background

1980.91984.7: Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  Tianjin  University, B. E.

1986.91989.7: Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  Fuzhou  University, M. E.

2002.22007.2: College of Materials  Science and Engineering,  Fuzhou  University, D. E.


Research Experience

1989.9 till now, College of materials science and  engineering, Fuzhou University



Micromechanism  of dynamic strain aging of FCC alloys, the National Natural Science  Foundation of China (50441013), 20051——200512

The  preparation and application of metal materials with nano twinsthe major project of  Fujian Province (2009H0023).2009-2011

Grain  refinement through precise control of sever plastic deformation, the Natural  Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2011J01290).2011-2014

Study  on grain boundary conductivity through the second phase control doped CeO2  , the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province  (2017J01686).2017-2020



1.Kaiping Peng, Ying  Zhang,Leon  L. Shaw,and K.-W. Qian.Microstructure  dependence of a Cu–38Zn alloy on processing conditions of constrained groove  pressingActa  Materialia 57 (2009) 5543–5553

2.Kaiping Peng, Lifeng Su,aLeon L. Shawb,and K.-W. Qian. Grain  refinement and crack prevention in constrained  groove pressing of two-phase CuZn alloys.  Scripa Materialia,562007987990

3.Xueping Mou, Kaiping Peng*, Jiawei Zeng, Leon L. Shaw,K.-W.  QianThe influence of the equivalent strain on the microstructure and  hardness of H62 brass subjected to multi-cycle constrained groove pressingJournal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (2011) 590596

4.Kaiping Peng, Xueping Mou, Jiawei Zeng , Leon L. Shaw*, K.-W.  QianEquivalent strain, microstructure and hardness of H62 brass  deformed

by constrained groove pressingComputational Materials Science 50  (2011) 15261532

5.Dong  Lin, Qunhao Wang, Kaiping Peng*, Leon L. ShawPhase formation and properties of composite  electrolyte BaCe0.8Y0.2O3δ–Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9  for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cellsJournal of Power Sources,  205 (2012) 100– 107

6.DANG Qi, PENG Kaiping, GUO Guiping. Effect of Ni-Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9  anode pores on performance of intermediate temperature solid oxide cells.  Journal  of the Chinese Ceramic Society. 2014,421):56-64