College of Materials Science and Engineering FUZHOU UNIVERSITY
Email Research fields Research fields:solid oxide fuel cells and solid oxide electrolysis cells


Name: Kongfa Chen

Position: Associate Professor

Tel: +86-591-13295919276


Research Interests: solid oxide fuel  cells and solid oxide electrolysis cells.

Education  Background

09/2006-07/2009: PhD of Optics, Harbin  Institute of Technology, China

09/2004-07/2006: MSc of Condensed Matter  Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology

09/2000-07/2004: BSc of  Applied Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology


Research  Experience

12/2016-present:  Associate Professor, Fuzhou University, China

07/2013-12/2016:  Research Fellow, Curtin University of Technology, Australia.

12/2010-07/2013:  Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Curtin University of Technology, Australia.

06/2009-10/2010:  Research Fellow, Nangyang Technological University, Singapore.


Hornors  and Awards

2016  Fuels and Energy Technology Institute (FETI) Energy Research Award, Curtin  University



1.       Chief Investigator, Qishan Startup Program, Fuzhou University,  China, 01/2017-12/2019.

2.       Chief Investigator, “Design and development of  robust oxygen electrodes of switchable solid oxide cells for renewable energy  systems”, Curtin Research Fellowship, Curtin University, Australia, July 2013  – July 2016



·            Journal papers: 93;                        Book chapters: 2;

Conference  presentations/publications: 26;    Patents: 3

·            Citations

Web  of Science statistics: h-index: 24, 1400 citations

Google  Scholar statistics: h-index: 28, 1800 citations

1.          N. Ai, N. Li, W. Rickard, Y. Cheng, K. Chen*, S.P. Jiang*, “Highly stable Sr-free  cobaltite based perovskite cathodes directly assembled on barrier-layer-free  Y2O3-ZrO2 electrolyte of solid oxide fuel  cells”, ChemSusChem, in press

2.          K. Chen, N. Li, N.  Ai, M. Li, Y. Cheng, W. Rickard, J. Li, S.P. Jiang*, “Direct application of cobaltite-based  perovskite cathodes on the yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte for  intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry  A, 4 (2016) 17678-17685

3.          K. Chen, N. Li, N. Ai,  Y. Cheng, W.D.A. Rickard, S.P. Jiang*, “Polarization induced interface and Sr  segregation of in situ assembled La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ  electrodes on Y2O3-ZrO2 electrolyte of solid  oxide fuel cells”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,  8 (2016) 31729-31737

4.          K. Chen, L. Fang, T. Zhang*, S.P. Jiang*, “New zinc and bismuth doped glass sealants with  substantially suppressed boron deposition and poisoning for solid oxide fuel  cells”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2  (2014) 18655-18665