College of Materials Science and Engineering FUZHOU UNIVERSITY
Email Research fields Research fields:High-performance Structural and Functional Ceramic, New Bio-Ceramic Materials, High-

Name: LIN  Cong

Position:  associate professor

Tel:  +86-591-15060664367


Research  Interests: Advanced ceramics, ceramics forming technique, novel sintering  methods, MGI


Education Background

2005.3-2008.3, working on the PhD  dissertation, Institute of Advanced Materials, School of Materials Science  and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai

2002.9-2005.3, working on the MS degree  thesis, Institute of Advanced Materials, School of Materials Science and  Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai

1998.9-2002.7, working on the BS degree  thesis, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University,  Shanghai


Research Experience

2010.6- present, associate research  fellow, working on MSE department of Fuzhou University, Fujian

2008.3-2010.2, working on post-doc work  in Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm  University, Stockholm, Sweden



1.    Lin  Cong, Wu Xiao, Lin Mei, Yinpeng Huang, Jun Li, Optical, luminescent and  optical temperature sensing properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3-ErBiO3 transparent  ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017, 706: 156-163.

2.    Chen,  Hong, Qidan Wu, Tianxi Yang, Mengqi Li, Hucheng Xie, Cong Lin, The influence  of different titanium sources on flaky α-Al2O3 prepared by molten salt  synthesis. Ceramics International, 2015, 41(9, Part B): 12288-12294.

3.    Cong  Lin, Bo Wang, Yao Cheng, Cao Wang, Influence of stearic acid on the structure  and rheological behavior of injection-molded ZTA suspensions, Materials  Science-Poland, 2013, 31 (1): 36-42

4.    Lin  Cong, Wang Bo, Cheng Yao, Wang Cao, Densification and Electrical Properties  of Zinc Oxide Varistors Microwave-Sintered Under Different Oxygen Partial  Pressures, Journal of Electronic Materials, 2012, 41 (11): 3119-3124

5.    Lin  Cong, Xiao Changhong, Shen Zhijian, Nano Pores Evolution in Hydroxyapatite  Microsphere during Spark Plasma Sintering, Science of Sintering, 2011, 43:  39-46