教师姓名 | 林起浪 | 学 科 | 材料学 | |
联系方式 | E-mail:linqilang@fzu.edu.cn |
个人主页: |
个人简历 |
1994.09--1998.07:西北工业大学精细化工专业(本科) |
社会兼职 |
高性能碳纤维制造及应用国家地方联合工程研究中心特聘研究员,陕西省石墨烯新型炭材料及应用工程实验室学术委员会委员,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,Fuel,Journal of Membrane Science,Chemical Engineering Journal,Environmental Science & Technology,Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,Composites Part A, Composites Part B,Polymer Degradation and Stability, Journal of Materials Science and Technology,Polymer testing,Journal of applied polymer science等国际刊物特邀审稿人。 |
荣誉称号 |
2010年入选“福大先锋-科技创新党员示范岗” 2013年陕西省科学技术一等奖(证书号2013-1-38-R4) 2016年Journal of Materials Science and Technology优秀审稿奖 2017年陕西省科学技术一等奖(证书号2016-1-11-R2) |
教学情况 |
担任本科生“材料科学与工程导论”、“聚合物分析基础”、“复合材料与工艺”课程教学;担任硕士生“复合材料设计与制备”、“高分子材料研究进展”、“新型炭材料”以及博士生“先进材料制备技术”课程教学。 |
研究领域 |
从事高性能碳素材料、先进高分子材料及其树脂基复合材料的研究与开发工作,已主持国家自然科学基金项目三项(项目号:50802015, 51272045, 51872049)。目前主要开展如下工作: (1)石墨烯低成本制备与应用 (2)泡沫炭及其复合材料 (3)炭基热管理材料 (4)树脂基复合材料 |
论著成果 |
已在国内外刊物发表论文100余篇,获授权国家发明专利12件。 近年来代表性论文: [1]Yunhong Zhou, Jiwei Zeng, Yiyou Guo, Haobin Chen, Tiantian Bi, Qilang Lin*. Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon surface-decorated graphitic carbon foam/stearic acid composite as high-performance shape-stabilized phase change material with desirable photothermal conversion efficiency. Applied Energy, 2023, 352:121995. [2]Yunhong Zhou, Yuanxin Cao, Haobin Chen, Renquan Wu, Huibin Cheng, Fubin Luo, Qingrong Qian, Qinghua Chen, Qilang Lin*. Three-dimensional continuous network graphite nanosheets-based carbon foam supported stearic acid as effective shape-stabilized phase change material. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 59: 106575 [3]Qiyun Zhang,Renquan Wu,Yunhong Zhou,Qilang Lin*,Changqing Fang. A novel surface-oxidized rigid carbon foam with hierarchical macro-nanoporous structure for efficient removal of malachite green and lead ion. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022,103:15-28. [4]Renquan Wu,Weixiong Mei,Yunhong Zhou,Tiantian Bi,Qilang Lin*. Continuous dual-scale interpenetrating network carbon foam–stearic acid composite as a shape-stabilized phase change material with a desirable synergistic effect. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 32, 37120–37133 [5]Renquan Wu,Wei Gao,Yunhong Zhou, Zhuqi Wang, Qilang Lin*.A novel three-dimensional network-based stearic acid/graphitized carbon foam composite as high-performance shape-stabilized phase change material for thermal energy storage. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2021,225:109318. [6]Xialan Zhang, Qilang Lin*, Huijun Luo, Shiyuan Luo. Three-dimensional graphitic hierarchical porous carbon/stearic acid composite as shape-stabilized phase change material for thermal energy storage. Applied Energy, 2020, 260:114278. [7]Xialan Zhang, Weiqiang Wang, Shiyuan Luo, Qilang Lin*. Preparation of discrete cage-like oxidized hollow carbon spheres with vertically aligned graphene-like nanosheet surface for high performance Pb2+ absorption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 553:484-493. [8]Qiyun Zhang, Qilang Lin*, Xialan Zhang, Yangfa Chen. A novel hierarchical stiff carbon foam with graphene-like nanosheet surface as the desired adsorbent for malachite green removal from wastewater. Environmental Research, 2019, 179:108746. [9]Xialan Zhang, Qilang Lin*, Xinqi Zhang, Kaiping Peng. A novel 3D conductive network-based polyaniline/graphitic mesoporous carbon composite electrode with excellent electrochemical performance. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 401:278-286. [10]Xialan Zhang, Qilang Lin*, Shiyuan Luo, Kezhao Ruan, Kaiping Peng. Preparation of novel oxidized mesoporous carbon with excellent adsorption performance for removal of malachite green and lead ion. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 442:322-331. |
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