













1. 环境功能材料及应用:膜法水处理、重金属吸附剂、CO2催化转化

2. 火灾阻燃/预警材料


1. 福建省硅酸盐学会副秘书长

2. Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Applied Surface Science期刊审稿人


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2021–2023,主持,在研

2. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2021–2024,主持,在研

3. 校人才基金,2019–2021,主持,已结题

4. 横向项目,2022-2025,主持,在研

5. 国家科技部重点研发计划课题,校内排名第32021-2025,在研

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,校内排名第22021–2024,在研





1. 研究生国家奖学金:2022何茜、2021陈凯航、2020陈林楠

2. 本科生国家奖学金:2022戴子豪、2021李秋芸、2020李秋芸

3. 校优秀毕业论文:2022李秋芸、2022陈林楠、2021梁潇

4. 学科竞赛:









ACS NanoApplied Catalysis BSmallJournal of Materials Chemistry AScience China Materials等期刊上发表SCI/EI论文40篇(第一/通讯作者24篇),他引2000余次,h因子20;获批中国发明专利授权9件。


[24] Fei-Fei Chen+; Linghao Zhou+; Chao Peng+; Dantong Zhang; Lingyun Li*; Dongfeng Xue*; Yan Yu*. Bimetal-organic layer-derived ultrathin lateral heterojunction with continuous semi-coherent interfaces for boosting photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2023, 331, 122689.

[23] Y. Sun+; L. Li+, X. Li; Y. N. Feng; F. F. Chen*, L. Li*, Y. Yu*. Regulating activity and selectivity of photocatalytic CO2 reduction on cobalt by rare earth compounds. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023, 15, 16621–16630.

[22] H. Liu; K. Chen; Y. N. Feng; Z. Zhuang; F. F. Chen*; Y. Yu*. In situ confined growth of Co3O4–TiO2/C S-scheme nanoparticle heterojunction for boosted photocatalytic CO2 reduction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127, 5289-5298.

[21] H. Cao; Y. Yan; Y. Wang; F. F. Chen*; Y. Yu*. Dual role of g-C3N4 microtubes in enhancing photocatalytic CO2 reduction of Co3O4 nanoparticles. Carbon 2023, 201, 415-424.

[20] X. He; Y. Feng; F. Xu; F. F. Chen*; Y. Yu*. Smart fire alarm systems for rapid early fire detection: advances and challenges. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 450, 137927.

[19] F. F. Chen+; J. Chen+; Y. N. Feng; L. Li*; Y. Yu*. Controlling metallic Co0 in ZIF-67-derived N-C/Co composite catalysts for efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Science China Materials 2022, 65, 413-421.

[18] F. Xu; Y. Wang; Y. Feng; F. F. Chen*; Y. J. Zhu*; Y. Yu*. Graphene oxide/polyethyleneimine/hydroxyapatite nanowire composite paper: unexpected mechanical robustness after fire attacking and fire alarm application. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2022, 160, 107061.

[17] F. F. Chen*; J. Chen; L. Li; F. Peng*; Y. Yu*. g-C3N4 microtubes@CoNiO2 nanosheets p–n heterojunction with a hierarchical hollow structure for efficient photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Applied Surface Science 2022, 579, 151997.

[16] F. F. Chen*; Z. H. Dai; Y. N. Feng; Z. C. Xiong; Y. J. Zhu*; Y. Yu*. Customized cellulose fiber paper enabled by an in situ growth of ultralong hydroxyapatite nanowires. ACS Nano 2021, 15, 5355-5365.

[15] K. Chen+; X. Wang+; Q. Li; Y. N. Feng; F. F. Chen*; Y. Yu*. Spatial distribution of ZnIn2S4 nanosheets on g-C3N4 microtubes promotes photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 418, 129476.

[14] F. F. Chen; Y. Liang; L. Chen; X. Liang; Y. N. Feng; J. Wu; Y. J. Zhu*; and Y. Yu*. Upcycling of heavy metal adsorbents into sulfide semiconductors for photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Applied Surface Science 2021, 558, 149647.

[13] X. Wang; J. Chen; Q. Li; L. Li; Z. Zhuang; F. F. Chen*; Y. Yu*. Light-driven syngas production over defective ZnIn2S4 nanosheets. Chemistry–A European Journal 2021, 27, 3786-3792.

[12] L. Zhou+; F. F. Chen+; Y. N. Feng; L. Li*; Y. Yu*. Highly dispersive Ni@C and Co@C nanoparticles derived from metal-organic monolayers for enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 60, 10738-10748.

[11] 李秋芸, 陈雅鹏, 陈林楠, 陈飞飞*, 于岩*. 磁性硅酸钙重金属吸附剂用于光催化还原CO2. 硅酸盐学报 2021, 49, 2045-2052.

Q. Li; Y. Chen; L. Chen; F. Chen*; Y. Yu*. Magnetic calcium silicate heavy metal ion adsorbents for photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society 2021, 49, 2045-2052. (Cover Picture)

[10] L. Chen; X. Wang; Y. Chen; Z. Zhuang; F. F. Chen*; Y. J. Zhu*; Y. Yu*. Recycling heavy metals from wastewater for photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 402, 125922.

[9] L. Li+*; F. F. Chen+; J. Pan; S. Zhong; L. Li; Y. Yu*. Amino-functionalized YF3:Eu3+ nanoparticles: a selective two-in-one fluorescent probe for Cr(III) and Cr(VI) detection. Journal of Luminescence 2020, 226, 117440.

[8] F. F. Chen; Y. J. Zhu*; Y. G. Zhang; R. L. Yang; H. P. Yu; D. D. Qin; Z. C. Xiong*. Portable and writable photoluminescent chalk for on-site information protection on arbitrary substrates. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 369, 766-774.

[7] F. F. Chen; Y. J. Zhu*; Q. Q. Zhang; R. L. Yang; D. D. Qin; Z. C. Xiong*. Secret paper with vinegar as an invisible security ink and fire as a decryption key for information protection. Chemistry–A European Journal 2019, 25, 10918-10925.

[6] F. F. Chen; Y. J. Zhu*; F. Chen; L. Y. Dong; R. L. Yang; Z. C. Xiong*. Fire alarm wallpaper based on fire-resistant hydroxyapatite nanowire inorganic paper and graphene oxide thermosensitive sensor. ACS Nano 2018, 12, 3159-3171.

[5] F. F. Chen; Z. Y. Yang; Y. J. Zhu*; Z. C. Xiong*; L. Y. Dong; B. Q. Lu; J. Wu; R. L. Yang. Low-cost and scaled-up production of fluorine-free, substrate-independent, large-area superhydrophobic coatings based on hydroxyapatite nanowire bundles. Chemistry – A European Journal 2018, 24, 416-424.

[4] F. F. Chen; Y. J. Zhu*; Z.-C. Xiong*; L. Y. Dong; F. Chen; B. Q. Lu; R. L. Yang. Hydroxyapatite nanowire-based all-weather flexible electrically conductive paper with superhydrophobic and flame-retardant properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017 9, 39534-39548.

[3] F. F. Chen; Y. J. Zhu*; Z. C. Xiong*; T. W. Sun; Y. Q. Shen; R. L. Yang. Inorganic nanowires-assembled layered paper as the valve for controlling water transportation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 11045-11053.

[2] F. F. Chen; Y. J. Zhu*; Z. C. Xiong*; T. W. Sun. Hydroxyapatite nanowires@metal–organic framework core/shell nanofibers: Templated synthesis, peroxidase-like activity, and derived flexible recyclable test paper. Chemistry – A European Journal 2017, 23, 3328-3337. (Inside Cover)

[1] F. F. Chen; Y. J. Zhu*; Z. C. Xiong*; T. W. Sun; Y. Q. Shen. Highly flexible superhydrophobic and fire-resistant layered inorganic paper. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 34715-34724.


[1] Y. J. Zhu; F. F. Chen. Microwave Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Encyclopedia of Nanomaterials, Elsevier, 2022.


[9] 于岩,刘海兵,陈俊斌,王炫威,陈飞飞。一种石墨相氮化碳微米管/镍钴层状双金属氧化物分级中空异质结的制备方法及应用。专利号:ZL202110493731.4

[8] 于岩,陈凯航,李秋芸,陈飞飞。一种MXene/镍铝层状双金属氢氧化物复合材料的制备方法及应用。专利号:ZL202110487867.4

[7] 朱英杰,熊志超,陈飞飞,杨日龙。一种贵金属纳米颗粒复合羟基磷灰石超长纳米线催化耐火纸。专利号:ZL201711423360.2

[6] 朱英杰,杨日龙,熊志超,陈飞飞。一种羟基磷灰石超长纳米线磁性耐火纸。专利号:ZL201711424767.7

[5] 朱英杰,陈飞飞,熊志超。一种基于牙釉质仿生结构羟基磷灰石纳米线组装体的超疏水涂层。专利号:ZL201710607965.0

[4] 朱英杰,熊志超,杨日龙,陈飞飞,董丽颖。一种高效过滤空气PM2.5的羟基磷灰石超长纳米线基复合纸。专利号:ZL201710546672.6

[3] 朱英杰,陈飞飞,熊志超。一种基于羟基磷灰石超长纳米线/金属有机配合物的检测试纸。专利号:ZL201610980026.6

[2] 朱英杰,陈飞飞,熊志超。具有防水功能的羟基磷灰石超长纳米线耐火纸。专利号:ZL201610915274.2

[1] 朱英杰,熊志超,陈飞飞。纳米银复合羟基磷灰石超长纳米线抗菌纸。专利号:ZL201610377453.5