姓名 |
陈善慈 |
学科 |
材料物理与化学 |
联系方式 |
邮箱:csc@fzu.edu.cn 个人主页: |
个人简历 |
2001.09-2005.07 厦门大学化学系理学学士学位 2005.09-2010.07 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所理学博士学位 2010.07-2015.12 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所助理研究员 2016.01-2021.12 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所副研究员 2022.01-至今 福州大学材料科学与工程学院副教授 |
社会兼职 |
荣誉称号 |
教学情况 |
研究领域 |
1. 有机光电材料及器件 2. 钙钛矿太阳能电池 3. X射线探测器 |
论著成果 |
1. 期刊论文: 1) Chen S.-C.; Zhang S.; Zheng Q.*, A facile surface passivation method for efficient inorganic CsPbI2Br perovskite solar cells with efficiencies over 15%. Sci. China Mater., 2020, 63 (5), 719-727. 2) Chen S.-C.; Wang D.; Zheng Q.*, Surface Passivation of All-Inorganic CsPbI2Br with a Fluorinated Organic Ammonium Salt for Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiencies over 16%. Solar RRL, 2020, 4 (10), 2000321. 3) Gu H.; Chen S.-C.*; Zheng Q.*, Emerging Perovskite Materials with Different Nanostructures for Photodetectors. Adv. Opt. Mater., 2021, 9 (5), 202001637. 4) Zhang, S.; Gu, H.; Chen, S.-C.*; Zheng, Q.*, KF-Doped SnO2 as an electron transport layer for efficient inorganic CsPbI2Br perovskite solar cells with enhanced open-circuit voltages. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, (12), 4240-4247. 5) Zheng Y.; Chen S.-C.*; Ma Y.; Zheng Q.*, Furfurylammonium as a Spacer for Efficient 2D Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskite Solar Cell. Sol. RRL, 2022, 6 (8), 2200221. 6) Chen S.-C.; Zhang Q.; Zheng Q.*; Tang C.; Lu C.-Z.*, Angular-shaped naphthalene tetracarboxylic diimides for n-channel organic transistor semiconductors. Chem. Commun., 2012, 48 (9), 1254-1256.) 7) Chen S.-C.; Zheng Q.*; Yin Z.; Cai D.; Ma Y., High performance thermal-treatment-free tandem polymer solar cells with high fill factors. Org. Electron., 2017, 47: 79-84. 8) Chen S.-C.; Ganeshan D.; Cai D.; Zheng Q.*; Yin Z.; Wang F., High performance n-channel thin-film field-effect transistors based on angular-shaped naphthalene tetracarboxylic diimides. Org. Electron., 2013, 14 (11), 2859-2865. 9) Chen S.-C.; Zhang J.; Yu R.-M.; Wu X.-Y.; Xie Y.-M.; Wang F.; Lu C.-Z.*, Spontaneous asymmetrical crystallization of a three-dimensional diamondoid framework material from achiral precursors. Chem. Commun., 2010, 46 (9), 1449-1451. 10) Chen S.-C.; Zheng Q.; Zhang Q.*; Cai D.; Wang J.; Yin Z.; Tang C., Tuning the frontier molecular orbital energy levels of n-type conjugated copolymers by using angular-shaped naphthalene tetracarboxylic diimides, and their use in all-polymer solar cells with high open-circuit voltages. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 2013, 51 (9), 1999-2005. 11) Chen S.-C.; Tang C.; Yin Z.; Ma Y.; Cai D.; Ganeshan D.; Zheng Q.*, Ladder-type Diindenopyrazine Based Conjugated Copolymers for Organic Solar Cells with High Open-circuit Voltages. Chin. J. Chem., 2013, 31 (11), 1409-1417. 12) Chen S.-C.; Yu R.-M.; Zhao Z.-G.; Chen S.-M.; Zhang Q.-S.; Wu X.-Y.; Wang F.; Lu C.-Z.*, A Series of Polynuclear Complexes of d(10) Metals With Interesting Luminescent Properties. Crystal Growth & Design, 2010, 10 (3), 1155-1160. 13) Kang Z.#; Chen S.-C.# (Co-first author); Ma Y.; Wang J.; Zheng Q.*, Push–Pull type non-fullerene acceptors for polymer solar cells: effect of the donor core. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (29): 24771-24777. 14) Gu Z.-G#.; Chen S.-C.# (Co-first author); Fu W.-Q.; Zheng Q.*; Zhang J.*, Epitaxial growth of MOF thin film for modifying the dielectric layer in organic field-effect transistors. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (8): 7259-7264. 15) Tang C.#; Chen S.-C.# (Co-first author); Shang Q.; Zheng Q.*, Asymmetric indenothiophene-based non-fullerene acceptors for efficient polymer solar cells. Sci. China Mater., 2017, 60 (8): 707-716. 16) Tang C.#; Chen S.-C.# (Co-first author); Tang Y.; Ma W.; Zheng Q.*, Cyclopentadithiophene-cored non-fullerene acceptors for efficient polymer solar cells with superior stability. Sol. Energy, 2018, 174: 991-998. 17) Lin L.-L.; Tu Y.-G.; Tang C.-Q.; Ma Y.-L.; Chen, S.-C.*; Yin Z.-G.; Wei J.-J.; Zheng Q.*. Truxene-based Hole-transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells. Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2016, 35 (10), 1517-1524. 18) Zheng Q.*; Zhu H.; Chen S.-C.; Tang C.; Ma E.; Chen X.*, Frequency-upconverted stimulated emission by simultaneous five-photon absorption. Nat. Photonics, 2013, 7 (3), 234-239. 2. 其他成果: 1) 郑庆东*; 陈善慈, 含有斜线型萘二酰亚胺单元的n-型有机半导体材料, 2012.06.27-2031.11.07, CN201110348462.9 (专利) 2) Yin Z.; Chen S.-C.; Zheng Q.*; Inverted Organic Solar Cells (OSCs),Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells, Springer International Publishing, 215-242 (专著章节) |
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